
Republican donor Meg Whitman endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid

House Speaker Paul Ryan repeated Thursday that his endorsement of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was “not a blank check” and delivered a sharp critique of Trump’s flailing campaign two days after Trump declined to endorse Ryan for re-election to his Wisconsin House seat.


Also on Tuesday (Wednesday NZT), Representative Richard Hanna of NY became the first Republican in Congress to endorse Clinton, although several other Republicans in Congress have said they will not support Trump.

Rep. Richard Hanna of NY became the first Republican in Congress to say he would vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump in November.

Ms Whitman is the first of America’s financial elite to fully defect from the Republican party and lend their support to Ms Clinton.

“To vote Republican out of party loyalty alone would be to endorse a candidate that I believe has exploited anger, grievance, xenophobia and racial division”. Whitman said she would help Clinton continue her efforts to reach out to Republican donors. “Beat Crooked H!” the Republican nominee wrote on Twitter early on Wednesday (Thursday NZT), referring to Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

Clinton’s campaign released a list in June with business leaders from whom they had secured support.

Whitman is chief executive of Hewlett Packard Enterprise and used to be CEO of eBay. Trump’s unsteady hand would endanger our prosperity and national security. And they say voters might not care about the letter of the law this year.

An official with direct knowledge of Priebus’ thinking was granted anonymity to discuss internal strategy after one of the most tumultuous weeks of Trump’s presidential campaign.

In 2008, she raised funds for Mitt Romney’s presidential bid, before entering the race herself for Governor of California on the Republican ticket in 2010. In other words, Clinton was more trusted than Trump with the duties of being president. In a tumultuous world, America needs the kind of stable and aspirational leadership Secretary Clinton can provide.

Donald Trump boasts about the businesses he’s built and that he would be the “greatest jobs president that God ever created”.


“Now I think in private a lot of Republican congressmen are going to vote for Hillary, they can’t stand Trump”, he said. In addition to her campaign money, she brought in another $26 million last month for the Democratic National Committee and state parties, bringing her total monthly fundraising to about $90 million. When Christie endorsed Trump, Whitman took him to task, calling it “an astonishing display of political opportunism”.

Meg Whitman chief executive officer of Hewlett Packard, attends the annual Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference