
Republican Insiders Not Looking for White Knight

“Now, if you disenfranchise those people and you say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short, ‘ I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before”. Marco Rubio, bowing out of the race after Trump trounced him in his home state and Kasich “getting ready to rent a covered wagon” and head west “to California”, despite needing a mathematically impossible 112 percent of the remaining delegates to win the nomination on a first ballot at the Republican convention.


By far the more probable outcome is for the candidate with the most votes – in all likelihood Trump – to be voted in as the White House nominee following a round of deal-making in the run-up to the convention. Granted, the states that voted tonight were different than the states that voted two weeks ago, but there isn’t any sign that Trump’s support is falling.

The debate was cancelled after Ohio Governor John Kasich said he also would not attend. These contests are a strong incentive for Trump – and the candidates trying to stop him – to stay in the race.

He also did well with young voters and retirees while running even with Trump among middle-aged voters and people nearing retirement.

Appearing later Friday on CNN’s “OutFront” with Erin Burnett, Clovis said “someone who would know” told him a contested convention is “not going to happen”.

“People say, ‘What about the contested convention?'” Ryan said in an interview with CNBC.

The meeting was led by conservative talk radio host Erick Erickson, a longtime outspoken critic of Mr. Trump.

Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump says there would be riots if he led Sen.

Under this scenario, the goal would be for the conservative third-party candidate to pick off a few key states-enough to deny both Trump and likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton the 270 electoral votes required to win the presidency. I’m talking about Missouri and North Carolina, where Ted Cruz beat Trump in a one-on-one race in the exit polls.

But Kasich’s chief strategist, John Weaver, argued in a memo released after the OH result that no candidate was going to win the necessary delegates before the convention and Kasich would be the best Republican candidate against Clinton.

As I write this, Trump has 673 delegates while Cruz has 411.

“If it ends up happening that we get to Cleveland and nobody has 1,237 delegates, that Donald has a whole bunch of delegates and I have a whole bunch of delegates and we come in neck and neck, then it is up to delegates to decide”, he added. She has 1,606 – including 1,139 pledged delegates – of the 2,383 needed, compared to 851 for Sanders, according to The Associated Press count.

The Republican’s last multi-ballot convention was in 1948.


“Maybe the delegates that voted for Trump can now change their mind”, suggested another.

A crowd at a Trump rally