
Republican National Convention kicks off in Cleveland

“If [they] want to delay the proceedings, all they’re doing is delaying the evening and helping Hillary Clinton”, Priebus said on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday.


But the general election is the battle yet to come, the immediate struggle could well be the nomination of Trump in Cleveland, given the continued, if attenuated pushback from the never Trump faction of the GOP, according to Helminiak. “But I got the sense that there were more people there in support of passing the rule as it’s written and then moving on with this”.

McBride said the role of the first lady is “constantly evolving”. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa. Ernst is one of the Republican Party’s rising stars, but the speaking schedule had her appearing late in the night before a almost empty hall.

The abstain maneuver failed as well. Instead, he said, the shouting was unlike anything he’d ever heard as a veteran of state and several national conventions But, he predicted, the ill feelings will pass. But that was briefly interrupted by Trump, in an unusual appearance by a presumptive nominee, and his wife, who promised her husband would be inclusive.

“There’s no cribbing of Michelle Obama’s speech”, he said. As a result, Helminiak contends, the party base, and many Democrats and independents grew discontent with the establishment. “It’s an opportunity to meet great, important people with great ideas that might also work in NY”, said state Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan, who has much to lose if Trump falters.

Paul Manafort says in an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that Kasich is “hurting his state, he’s embarrassing his state, frankly” by skipping the four-day event convened to nominate Trump for president.

No matter. Trump’s lineup of speakers includes plenty of family members, veterans, business people, entertainers and a smattering of top-drawer Republicans, including House Speaker Paul Ryan and even bitter rival Ted Cruz.

At one point, the podium of the convention was empty, leading Lee to say the convention had fallen into disarray on its first day, which was scheduled to emphasize law and order.

The president of Cleveland’s police union had asked Ohio Gov. John Kasich to suspend the law allowing legal gun owners to carry firearms openly. The campaign ignored Queen’s protest in June as well. But the next four days would undeniably be Trump’s moment – a week at the pinnacle of American politics that few could have imagined when the NY billionaire entered the race a year ago. “I think there will be demonstrations, probably as bad any ever”. That reduced the number of state delegations calling for a roll call to below the threshold for demanding one.

Cluster said this year is different.

“Voters want less Duck Dynasty and more debt-free college, less Charles in Charge and more ideas that put workers in charge, coming from their presidential candidates”, said Kait Sweeney, press secretary for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

Similarly, Melania Trump said, “we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them”.

At no time will delegates be instructed to leave the convention’s secure zone, Cluster said. More than 3.5 miles of security fence line downtown Cleveland. “They have a perspective of the man, but this convention is going to focus on the whole part of the personality”, Manafort said. “You just have to use common sense and travel in groups”.

Many argued that former lead singer Mercury, who died in 1991 from AIDS-related complications, would not have been been a supporter of Trump.

“You have to give to people the raw meat that they seek”, he says.


Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump may now keep things that way as he enters his final battle for the White House though Trump himself has praised the speech on Twitter.

Father and son heading for Cleveland and Republican National Convention