
Republican Party launches pro-Trump campaign in Israel

“In Israel we had 1,500 Republican votes for George Bush in that election from southern Florida”, he said.


Republican nominee Donald Trump has launched a campaign to attract US voters living in Israel in what marks the first US presidential campaign in history where a nominee is specifically targeting the Israeli-US vote.

According to estimates, there are some 350,000 eligible U.S. voters living in Israel.

But Trump remains a controversial candidate in Israel despite an overall pro-Israel stance. This time, the Republicans have chose to add to their traditional Anglophone campaign one in Hebrew.

Now they plan on setting up stands in shopping malls across the country, particularly in cities with a high concentration of United States voters, including Jerusalem, Modiin, Ra’anana and Beit Shemesh. They intend to erect stands with American Republican representatives alongside Israeli volunteers and will distribute information, hold discussions with potential voters and help them to register for absentee ballots.


GOP activists were campaigning on Monday in Israeli cities with a high concentration of Americans, such as Jerusalem, Modiin and Raanana, handing out stickers and buttons with the slogan “Trump – in Israel’s interest” in Hebrew and English.

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Ben Sales