
Republicans ask Clinton Foundation to produce correspondence

It is a machine created to facilitate corruption.


From its inception in 1997 as a modest vehicle for raising money to build a presidential library, the foundation has become a moneyed player in global philanthropy, reporting assets of $439 million in 2014.

This is the week that the steady drip, drip, drip of details about Hillary Clinton’s server turned into a waterfall.

“There’s this kinda creepy theatre that happens where you have the CEO of Coca-Cola or IBM or whatever or GE up there with President Clinton and they’re just bathing each other in love over how generous and wonderful they are and how much they care about the world and all these, like, earnest people applauding and thrilled”.

Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, has been on the defensive this week after media reports alleged an uncomfortably close affiliation between State and her family foundation during Clinton’s tenure as secretary.

You look at the polls that show Hillary Clinton ahead, and your have to realize P.T. Barnum put it best: There’s a sucker born every minute.

The foundation started by Hillary Clinton and former president Bill Clinton should shut down despite its good work, two major newspapers said in editorials on Wednesday, calling for its closure to avoid perceptions of “pay-for-play” amid the USA presidential campaign as critics step up their attacks over the issue. This is against federal law. In other words, there isn’t an email saying something like, “If you donate $10 million to the Clinton Foundation, you can be ambassador to Kenya”. Half of all voters see nothing wrong with this? “The last level, and this is the only place where the Clinton people have a line of defense is, there is yet no demonstration of a quid pro quo because at that point it goes from ordinary corruption to criminality”. In return, Clinton secured lucrative contracts and favorable deals for those who paid.

New questions are being raised about Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State.

Answer: We are not at the end of this scandal.

The Clintons are the most corrupt and self-serving first family of American politics.

The foundation typically raises more than a quarter of a billion dollars each year in grants and donations.

The Clinton campaign figures her late-summer advantage gives her few incentives to personally push back against the email criticism or allegations of pay-for-play.

Donors who were granted time with Clinton included an internationally known economist who asked for her help as the Bangladesh government pressured him to resign from a nonprofit bank he ran; a Wall Street executive who sought Clinton’s help with a visa problem; and Estee Lauder executives who were listed as meeting with Clinton while her department worked with the firm’s corporate charity to counter gender-based violence in South Africa.

And some of those donations came from countries with questionable human rights records. That’s not too immoral, is it?

Do you know the old wheelbarrow joke?

Republicans are suspicious of anybody who genuinely wants to help the poor because they do so little in that area themselves.


While everyone but ardent Clinton surrogates can agree that the whole thing looks bad, there’s ample disagreement about whether there’s any fire under all the smoke. She testified: “There was nothing marked classified in my emails”. Republicans accuse her of perjury over her emails.

FACTBOX Why the Clinton Foundation draws both praise and criticism