
Republicans criticize Trump for remarks about family of slain Muslim soldier

“He said he would like to hear from me”. In an interview with a local OH media outlet on Monday, Trump suggested that the Khans’ real reason for opposing his candidacy had to do with the candidate’s opposition to terrorism.


Trump spokesman Jason Miller rejected suggestions that Manafort is “mailing it in” as “completely erroneous”. The child soon stopped crying.

About a dozen protesters have been escorted out of Donald Trump’s rally in northern Virginia.

The group started chanting “Hillary” in support of Trump’s general election opponent Hillary Clinton during the Republican nominee’s rally in Ashburn.

One protester was wearing a shirt reading “Islam means peace”.

Donald Trump says there’s “great unity” in his campaign -despite growing dissent and turmoil among his fellow Republicans.

He also reiterated his stance that the USA “can’t have people coming in from Syria who have bad intentions”.

“Have we stopped to appreciate how insane Donald Trump has gotten recently?”

“Most people in this country, before this, did not know what a Gold Star family was, let alone what our sacrifice was”, Meredith said. Trump did not specify a time frame in which Clinton allegedly raised that money.

Kastenbaum, a Batavia Democrat, also criticized Collins’ remarks as “insensitive” and “self-serving” in a post on her campaign’s Facebook page.

“We can tell him he’s wrong”, Trump laughed.

Trump said he was “honored” to receive it. He then joked that “I always wanted to get a Purple Heart”. Many Americans now believe that the Iraq War was a mistake that cost too many American soldiers their lives.

Tarar tried to justify Trump’s comments, saying that in “most” Islamic countries women aren’t allowed to speak ― a statement that host Poppy Harlow noted is unequivocally false.

On the table for discussion were Trump’s recent Islamophobic comments following a powerful speech delivered by Humayun’s father, Khizr Khan, at the Democratic National Convention.

McCain’s comments mark his harshest rebuke to date of a presidential nominee he has pledged to support, despite Trump’s smear of McCain’s own military service. A knowledgeable GOP source told CNN some of Trump’s campaign staff – even campaign chairman Paul Manafort – are incredibly frustrated with the candidate.

“I think Mr. Trump has clearly had the calculation here that he is fighting back”, Clovis told MSNBC. Otherwise, he said, the denunciations are hollow.

Trump has been widely criticized, including by many Republicans, for denouncing the Khans, who are Muslim-Americans.

The primary is August 9.

“Instead of trying anything remotely like unifying the country, we have a nominee who would rather pick fights because he views it as positive news coverage”, she said. Mr. Khan and his wife Ghazala lost their son Captain Humayan Khan when he was killed by a auto bomb in Iraq in 2004.

The back and forth seemed to buttress a chief criticism of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton that the billionaire businessman’s temperament was the issue of campaign 2016.

The mogul’s sustained hostility toward the couple – alarming in part because criticism of Gold Star families of war dead has traditionally been off-limits in American political discourse – incensed Senator John McCain, a former prisoner of war once mocked by Trump for being captured in Vietnam.

Clinton’s policy, he said, “crippled Libya and Syria and Iraq”.

A Republican congressman from NY says he will vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton in November.

Top party leaders including Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are feeling the pressure.

Hanna doesn’t have to worry about a backlash from Republican voters for supporting Clinton. He’s not seeking re-election. “She was extremely quiet and it looked like she had nothing to say”. “It is the “sane” and “reasonable” Republicans who deserve the shame”. “But Donald Trump is not a well man”. The morning after accepting the Republican nomination at the party’s convention, Trump re-litigated months-old grievances with primary rival Ted Cruz.

Their sons were killed in Iraq about a week apart.


Republican leaders have urged Trump to drop his attacks on Khizr and Ghazala Khan.

US President Barack Obama answers a question as he and Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong hold a joint news conference at the White House in Washington US