
Republicans declare support for Khans in scuffle with Trump

She said she did so after seeing so much “hurt and anger” among Gold Star families on social media.


Tennessee Republicans backing Donald Trump for president opted on Monday not to criticize the GOP presidential nominee for his comments about the Muslim-American parents of an Army captain who was killed in Iraq.

McCain went on: “While our party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us”. (Khan’s edition is the ACLU Pocket Constitution of the United States.) The copy normally costs $5, but in honor of Khan, the ACLU tweeted that they have made it available for free.

Ghazala Khan had a lot to say about that. – Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, who has not endorsed Trump. “They serve as a powerful reminder of the true strength of America. They have earned the right to speak out and not be slandered by the likes of Donald Trump and his disgusting comments”.

Alaska’s senior US senator, Lisa Murkowski, said in a statement that Gold Star families who have lost loved ones in war “deserve our unconditional love and support for the burden of supreme sacrifice that has fallen squarely on their shoulders”.

“No one – no one has given more for our freedom and security than our Gold Star families”, he said. She also said she ididn’t speak because she was “very nervous”. But neither statement mentioned Trump by name or repudiated him.

It is not known precisely how many Gold Star families there are, but over 6,000 U.S. service members have died in the recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“They continue to inspire us every day and every moment”, Obama said during remarks to Disabled American Veterans in Atlanta. Khizr Khan sharply criticized Trump during the Democratic National Convention. Humayun Khan, delivered a forceful condemnation of Trump in a speech at the Democratic National Convention. Khan said that if it had been up to Donald Trump, his son would have never had the chance to be an American. Few have specifically condemned Trump, whose proposal to temporarily ban Muslim immigration to the US was at the heart of Khizr Khan’s speech. “That is not our style”, even as the couple kept up a round of TV appearances.

“There was no need to comment the way he commented”, Khan said on Monday. I have all the rights as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter.

In response, Trump took to Twitter, as he often does, to unleash his characteristic vitriol against the suddenly famous Muslim parents. The businessman said McCain wasn’t a hero despite being captured during the Vietnam War.

For some of Trump’s allies, the dispute is just the latest example of a troubling pattern: The real estate mogul hitting back at perceived slights or insults, regardless of the political implications.

For the second time in a week, Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, issued a statement that appeared created to put some space between the two men.

Watch the full speech of Khizr Khan at DNC below.


“For a start”, Oliver said, “his wife has explained that she chose not to speak because she gets too upset when she sees images of her dead son’s face, you f–ing a-hole”.

The Latest: McCain issues lengthy rebuke of Trump comments