
Republicans in plea to cut Trump funding

“Why would they state that when I’m raising millions of dollars for them?” he asked Time.


It all largely overshadowed the content of 44 previously-unreleased email exchanges Clinton had while at the State Department.

Free the Delegates supporters blamed convention officials for their unsuccessful attempt to unbind delegates from Trump after they failed to pass their proposal with the Rules Committee before the convention and on the convention floor. “‘Ah yes, he’s so amusing and right.’ And so here I thought I’d taken a step forward, and immediately we took two steps back”.

Trump has faced a historically bad few weeks, including receiving much push-back on disparaging comments he made about a Muslim American Gold Star Family, kicking a baby out of one of his rallies, calling for “Second Amendment people” to “do” something about Hillary Clinton, and finally, wrapping up his terrible candidacy tour with a statement that Clinton and President Obama are the “co-founders” of ISIS.

While U.S. presidential candidates are not required to release their tax returns, it has become a common custom, and Clinton’s tax returns have been made public, in some form, every year since 1977.

“I’ll just keep doing the same thing I’m doing right now”, he told CNBC on Thursday.

Trump responded, “I’ll let you know on the 9th–November 9th”.

More than 70 Republicans host marked a letter to the get-together’s National Committee head encouraging him to quit helping Donald Trump’s crusade. Sometimes there are external events over which they have no control that put them at a disadvantage, such as an economic downturn that makes it hard for the party in power to resist calls for change.

But despite some high-profile defections, most senior figures in the Republican Party – very much including Paul D. Ryan, the speaker of the House, and Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader – are still supporting him, threats of violence and all. Why?

Such appearances by a party chair are not unusual in a presidential campaign, but this one stands out in an election cycle with Trump lagging behind Clinton in a swath of polls, particularly in key electoral states.

And since he has also sworn to “bring back jobs” from the overseas sectors where other tycoons like himself have taken them to avoid paying living wages, that’s going to require some type of spending program as well.

The RNC, as well, has been dealing with calls to send party funds down ballot to congressional Republicans and abandon Trump’s campaign. Democratic candidate Evan Bayh has an edge in IN because he previously held a Senate seat. They spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity to outline private discussions.

Trump said he was not concerned about the potential funding cuts. Other notable names include former California GOP gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman, former Jeb Bush aide Sally Bradshaw and the granddaughter of former GOP presidential nominee John McCain. The party chairman joined the nominee on Friday, part of a larger effort to ensure an experienced political hand is nearly always at the candidate’s side when he travels.

“We’ve always found it’s wise to have people traveling with him, because it’s an opportunity to have him engaged and not just sitting there”, Manafort said.


It lists a series of recent Trump missteps – from rhetorically attacking the Muslim family of a U.S. Army captain killed while serving in Iraq to “Deliberately and repeatedly lying about scores of issues, large and small” – as evidence. Trump’s lower poll numbers impacting down-ballot GOP candidates. But Trump initially doubled down on this remarks, repeating the claim several times without any sense he was joking.

RNC chief voices concern about Trump campaign's direction