
Republicans not ready to give up Clinton investigation

The report offered nothing new – just repetition.


The spending of $7 million in an effort to destroy the reputation of a former secretary of state to derail her presidential race is an unconscionable partisan act, a misuse of taxpayers’ money and a failure to address the real issue of worldwide terrorism.

All the information hence serves as circumstantial evidence which should have been considered by the FBI, but the bureau chose to label it careless, but unintentional, which Comey announced was insufficient to charge her for alleged illegal activity. And, why did Secretary Clinton clearly and deliberately lie to the American people about the reason for the attack, when she knew the real reason?

-Though the administration was aware at the time of the terrorist attacks, no military assets were deployed to Benghazi when the last two Americans were killed, nearly eight hours after the attacks began.

Prior to the attack, on the evening of September 11, Ambassador Smith wrote, in his personal journal, “Never ending security threats”.

Then Gowdy, who said he wouldn’t release his report in the middle of the campaign season, went ahead and did it anyway.

Hillary has operated above the law for so many years that her disinclination toward humility has ripened into unbounded hubris, which was particularly on display in her comments about the recently released House Select Committee on Benghazi report on the tragedy in Libya. Spread the innuendo often and thick enough, and a good chunk of the public will believe it. Even some Bernie Sanders liberals picked up on it, using “What about Benghazi?” as a talking point against Clinton.

That report is 800 pages long. That did not preclude two Republican reps, Jim Jordan of OH and Mike Pompeo of Kansas, from writing a 48-page addendum taking extra swipes at the Obama administration. For as long as Hillary Clinton is president, those investigations will continue, whether they find anything or not. The U.S. military in Europe could not have reached Benghazi in time to save the Americans. He speculated that congressional leadership had approved “black operations” to run weapons from Benghazi to Islamic State forces in Syria. Obviously not. That was the conclusion of an independent report led by retired diplomat Thomas Pickering and Adm.

“Losing 28 security agents reduced not only the security resources available to the Embassy, but also those available to the Benghazi Mission compound”, the report states. That wasn’t what the partisans wanted. They were lost because of the feckless, incompetent, and ideologically paralyzed hacks in this administration. That’s like saying the CEO of Walmart was to blame for two deaths when a tornado hit a store in Joplin, Missouri.

Retired Gen. Thomas McInerney agreed that “the American people want to know from a group that spent nearly two years on it what the conclusions are”. That’s their job. The courageous men and women who take on these risky assignments accept the risks. “General Petraeus got in trouble for far less”.

Such harsh realities were swept aside, for there were politics to be played. But Republicans, including Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, eventually confessed the panel’s political aims.

Think of it this way: A President Hillary Clinton is the only thing standing in the way of a President Donald Trump.

To that we would add one more. “Her numbers are dropping”.

On the heels of Independence Day, the Federal Bureau of Investigation gave America a belated 240th birthday present: Hillary Clinton won’t be going to prison over Emailgate. But what Clinton lacks in Teflon, she has in cast iron.

Roby had her moment in the spotlight when she questioned Clinton during the marathon 11-hour hearing last October. This followed seven previous investigations.

After all, Clinton was the chief proponent of Libya policy and pushed for the join the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation coalition to topple Muammar Qhaddafi. She touted the coup as her shining example of what could be done in foreign policy.

Will House Republicans ever stop flogging their conspiracy theories about Clinton and Benghazi?


In conclusion they claim that, “Clinton’s narrative is not being dispersed to the public as aggressively as the Republican attack, which will increase in both statements and ads”.

Analysis: The Benghazi investigation is over, but another House GOP probe soldiers on