
Republicans Send Bill Defunding Planned Parenthood To Obama’s Veto Pen

The judge said Planned Parenthood has “a substantial likelihood of success on their argument that this portion… would result in an undue burden and would have the effect of placing a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion of a nonviable fetus”.


“The undercover footage released in the past half-year by The Center for Medical Progress shows medical directors and executives from the top leadership of Planned Parenthood admitting the abortion business trades baby body parts for money and indicating the profit motive undergirding these illicit sales”, CMP founder David Daleiden said in a release.

“Instead of fighting to fund our troops, he fights to fund Planned Parenthood”, Rubio said in the clip. But with both the House and Senate passing the budget reconciliation bill, it will be the first time they send legislation to President Obama’s desk that denies lifesaving health options for millions of women.

It is outrageous that Cecile Richards and her pro-abortion allies in Washington and Hollywood continue to misrepresent the work of Planned Parenthood in the name of women’s health, when their own report clearly proves otherwise.

“The bottom line is Planned Parenthood is about abortion – that’s it”. Her recorded comments shocked the public, launched numerous state investigations, and initiated a special Congressional inquiry into Planned Parenthood’s organ-harvesting practices.

“Planned Parenthood wants people to believe that they’re this wonderful organization that provides all these important services to women, which in truth could be provided by other legitimate sources, not Planned Parenthood”, Harrington says.

However, the Joy star said there was a reason why she isn’t in a serious relationship now. By then, hopefully Americans will have voted in a pro-life president who will immediately defund Planned Parenthood.

“So Planned Parenthood’s contraceptive services are DOWN across the board and yet they claim to have prevented MORE unintended pregnancies than the year before”.

In his veto message to Congress, Obama disagreed.

Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) voted for the legislation, but said it was “five years overdue”.

Republican lawmakers have pushed many repeal measures since 2010, when Obama signed the health care program into law. Fewer than two percent of visits were abortion-related.

As a statement of principle, defunding Planned Parenthood and dismantling the Affordable Care Act is a crass ideological pitch to the most extreme wing of the Tea Party. Americans will now see where their priorities lie. Planned Parenthood has performed almost one million abortions over the last three years.


The nation’s largest abortionist received $554 million taxpayer dollars in the 2015 fiscal year, according to Planned Parenthood’s most recent annual report.

Judge backs Planned Parenthood, freezes new law restricting use of abortion pill in Arkansas