
Republicans worry a falling Donald Trump tide will lower all boats

Trump’s ad buys total nearly $5 million and will run for 10 days in the swing states of Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. It concludes with Trump giving a thumbs up, wearing his trademark red “Make America Great Again” cap. Collecting Social Security benefits, skipping the line. “Our border open, it’s more of the same – but worse”.


The Clinton campaign’s Marlon Marshall added in a statement: “Donald Trump asks what the African-American community has to lose by voting for him”. Terrorists and unsafe criminal kept out. “No misleading ad can change the fact that Hillary Clinton is the only candidate with the experience and judgment to lead the country and keep our families safe”.

Campaign manager Kellyanne Conway for U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks to the media at Trump Tower in the Manhattan borough of NY, U.S., August 17, 2016.

Clinton continues to poll strong among women, with 49 percent saying they were supporting the former Secretary of State’s bid for the White House.

“I think the Clinton campaign lost an opportunity to have the vice-president be a Latino to really solidify that”.

A number of factors can influence voter turnout, beyond ID laws, such as voter excitement for a candidate, as was seen in 2008 and 2012, when voters rushed to the polls to help elect the first-ever black president, said Richard Hasen, a law professor at the University of California at Irvine.

Trump has started to advertise on television and appears at ease with his new campaign team. Hillary Clinton is campaigning in New Hampshire a week ahead of the state’s primary.

Edwards’ request may have contributed to the Trump campaign keeping the visit by the candidate him and running mate Mike Pence relatively quiet. Trump began with a visit to flood-wreaked Louisiana and ended with a measured, but pointed rally in MI. The Clinton campaign has outspent Trump on air $61 million to $0, according to data from Advertising Analytics/NBC News.

The ad’s focus on immigration also seeks to preview the Trump campaign’s plans to spotlight “ending the unfair practice of illegal immigration” next week, officials said. But Clinton gets into the details at her events, plugging registration and urging people to cast absentee ballots. Further, 77 percent of Trump supporters and 64 percent of Republicans said in the same poll that they support Trump’s temporary ban on foreign Muslims entering the U.S.


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File images taken from campaign ads for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump