
Researchers claim PlayStationVR to cost between $400-$600

Finally, let’s not forget that while the Oculus Rift, and the HTC Vive by extension, demands premium PC hardware for the processing power necessary to run virtual reality, the PlayStation VR is paired with Sony’s current PS4 console, which now retails for just $350, or approximately the same price as one Nvidia GTX 970 computer graphics card. In a recent interview with the BBC, Sony’s Kaz Hirai affirmed that PSVR will eventually have over 100 games in its VR library, and that the company has found tons of cooperation from third-party developers. In contrast, there are more than 36 million PlayStation 4 consoles in use capable of supporting PlayStation VR.


Sony’s not wasting any time in making sure it has plenty of software ready to go when PlayStation VR launches later this year.

Oculus Rift creator Palmer Luckey has spoken out to say PlayStation VR “isn’t quite as high-end” as the Oculus Rift, though he still described the competing device as a “good headset”. While dedicated VR headsets won’t necessarily fail, they won’t be the most popular way to experience virtual reality – less expensive options, such as mobile peripherals, will likely be the gateway to VR for most users.

As you’d expect, Sony is saying the listing was “an error by Amazon” as it “hasn’t announced the price for PlayStation VR”. “I think that we have a lot of good support and it’ll be a good product coming out later this year”. The PlayStation VR device was expected to be priced much lower than the Oculus Rift, which was marked with a $599 price tag just yesterday. Overall, Oculus Rift will cost you around $600-$1,000.


PlayStation 4 gamers, undoubtedly revelling in the misery of the PC elite, were only too happy to point out that their virtual reality headset, the PlayStation VR, would be more affordable… until it wasn’t.

PlayStation VR launches sometime during 2016