
Researchers slowly homing in on risk of Zika birth defect

Brazilian scientists says that they have found the Zika virus in a wild-caught Aedes aegypti mosquito, providing the first evidence to support the government’s theory of how the disease is being transmitted in the country.


Due to an outbreak which started in Brazil in 2015, the World Health Organization declared it a Public Health Emergency of International Concern in February 2016.

Springer Professional Home Services calls have jumped 300 percent from customers concerned with mosquitoes and Zika virus.

Fernando Pitalli is vacationing on the Suncoast from South America, where Zika is spreading rapidly primarily through mosquitoes.

The Ministry this morning collected a sample from another pregnant woman with symptoms of the virus. They didn’t know for sure how numerous mothers of the affected children had a Zika infection, nor how many pregnant women in Bahia in total were infected with Zika virus during that time period.

Workers said they can reduce mosquitoes up to 90 percent.

On Friday, May 20, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that it is monitoring 279 pregnant women with likely Zika virus infections in the United States and its territories.

Florida health officials confirmed four new Zika infections on Wednesday, including two cases in Miami-Dade and one each in St. Johns and Seminole counties, raising the statewide total to 154 people who have contracted the virus this year, including 36 pregnant women. Up to 80 percent of adults who contract it show no symptoms, and most of the others suffer only a fever, rash and headache.

His comments come as the latest figures showed that there were almost 300 pregnant women in the USA who had tested positive for Zika.

The mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus are more common here, and city officials have already begun to spray for them.

“We have not seen those mosquitoes just yet matter of fact I think as of yesterday we haven’t trapped hardly any of those”, says Hoven.


Bennett could not say whether any of New Jersey’s cases involved pregnant women. However, there have also been cases where Zika was transmitted through sexual contact.

Consumer Reports: Insect repellents to keep you safe this summer