
Restoring Low Testosterone Back To Normal Benefits Some Older Men, Suggests Study

These researchers wanted to study how testosterone treatment might affect the risk for atherosclerosis, a condition in which plaque develops inside the arteries.


While testosterone replacement therapy is commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction and low sex esteem, a new study suggests that it can also increase longevity because it can reduce the risk of a person developing cardiovascular diseases. The study involved 83,000 men with documented inadequate testosterone levels.

All three groups were “propensity matched” so the comparisons would be between men with similar health profiles. They gave 306 men of whom were 60 years of age or older and were diagnosed with low to normal testosterone levels, either a gel form of testosterone or a placebo each day for a period of three years.

Although men in the testosterone group did report a slight improvement in their satisfaction with intercourse, the effect was small and could have been due to chance, the researchers said. He loves all things fashion and enjoys attending some of New York’s most popular fashion shows. For every five to six years, the participants received follow-up check-ups.

In a recent study conducted by the Kansas City VA Medical Center, researchers have found that men who were successfully treated with testosterone replacement therapy were less likely to experience heart attacks or stroke.

The study was clear that the benefits were only present when testosterone levels were returned to normal after being too low.

Despite the findings, Barua and his team noted that they have yet to determine the reasons testosterone treatments benefit the heart of patients and their overall survivability.

Low testosterone is found in past studies to increase risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

There was little difference in the health outcomes of Groups 2 and 3, apart from those who received treatment having a slightly reduced risk of all-cause mortality compared with those who were untreated. Only 63 percent of the men achieved normal testosterone levels with TRT, and that group had significant fewer deaths and cardiovascular events than the group that did not.

What are the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy? “The mechanisms for these effects remain speculative”, they research paper detailed. The team is certain that other biological factors could have affected the study, such as the body fat, level of insulin and other processes.


The new finding has ignited the debate further over the benefits of testosterone therapy and its associated risk too, especially for the heart.

What are the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy