
Restraining order issued against anti-abortion group’s video

Rand Paul, R-Ky., speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington.


Some Senate Republicans have proposed cutting off federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

A spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, which operates the Houston facility, said Monday that the organization thinks members of an undercover anti-abortion group toured the clinic in April using fake credentials.

Rick Scott ordered state health officials to inspect Planned Parenthood offices that perform abortions, saying he is troubled by videos describing the organization’s procedures for providing tissue from aborted fetuses for research.

The surprise of today’s Republican press conference on Planned Parenthood came when one of the freshman class’s stars praised Hillary Clinton. Sen. “And a thoughtful, careful review by leading medical and ethical experts could do a lot to help the public and policymakers think through this issue and reach informed conclusions”. The National Institutes of Health spent $76 million on human fetal tissue research a year ago. On the July 29 edition of his radio show, Rush Limbaugh said that while he understood the sadness over Cecil the lion’s killing and was “ravaged with sadness” himself, he asked “how in the world can you get teary-eyed and misty-eyed and sad, and at the same time participate in burying what’s happening at Planned Parenthood?” Moreover, Planned Parenthood’s contract is about to expire next month when the organization needs to renegotiate it with the Executive Council.

The actors emphasize that the cost to Planned Parenthood to harvest the organs is minimal, increasing the organization’s financial gain.

“It is a profoundly offensive violation of privacy and dignity that anti-abortion extremists entered our laboratory under false pretenses and are now broadcasting video of a part of the process for a safe abortion”, Laguens said.

GOP senators unveiled a bill Tuesday evening prohibiting federal aid to Planned Parenthood and directing that the money instead be directed to “other eligible entities to provide women’s health care services”. She said such action should await an investigation into Planned Parenthood’s practices. “Nevertheless, this coordinated attack on women’s health will not deter us from providing essential reproductive health care and from advancing important medical research”. Cornyn said if the bill failed next week, Republicans would likely raise the issue on future legislation.

But the new attorney general, like many elected Republicans in Texas, is an unabashed opponent of Planned Parenthood.

Tuesday at a pro-choice/pro-life rally in front of the Fort Myers location, Southwest and Central Florida CEO, Barbra A. Zdravecky, confirmed the statement from Planned Parenthood.

The topic has also resonated on the campaign trail.

Earnest also said he is not sure if President Obama has seen the videos, but added he is following the story in the news. “But what bothers me is Planned Parenthood does so much good by helping women prevent pregnancy with birth control and yet there are people who have an agenda who are looking for something”.


Earnest repeated Planned Parenthood’s claims that the videos don’t show its officials violating the law – it says they haven’t – and said the group appears to be “living up to the highest ethical standard” as it pertains to the way it obtains the fetal body parts and tissues it sells to medical researchers.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mc Connell of Ky. followed by Sen. Joni Ernst R-Iowa arrives for a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington Wednesday