
Revellers celebrate ‘new age of politics’ at Jeremy Corbyn election party

The scholar said: “If I were a member of the Labour Party, I would vote for Corbyn“.


Cllr Mohammed, who lives in Utley and joined the town council in May, praised Mr Corbyn’s performance, adding that the event lived up to the excitement preceding it.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews (BDBJ) is planning to issue a statement outlining its concerns with Jeremy Corbyn’s nomination as leader of the Labour party on Saturday, September 12.

“Jeremy Corbyn’s appeal as a different type of politician is clear – the best ratings on honesty, a stronger personality than Ed Miliband, and he’s seen to be leading a party concerned about those most in need”, said Gideon Skinner, head of political research at Ipsos MORI.

Mr Benn (who calls himself “a Benn but not a Bennite”) is the most senior moderate in Corbyn’s shadow cabinet, and the survival of their relationship will be critical.

“What we’re trying to do is get the policy-making process as inclusive as possible… some people will dissent from individual policies”.

But the move will cause disquiet among some in the centre of the party who fear it will reinforce public perceptions that Labour are “soft” on national security.

Mr Corbyn, I understand, has other ideas… and about time, too.

In an attempt to persuade unions, including the GMB, to come round to his view, Corbyn says: “The point I would make to those who work on manufacturing the missiles, the submarines, and all the things with it, is that I would not save the money and spend it on something else”.

The Lib Dem leader said a series of mistakes under predecessor Nick Clegg contributed to a “devastating” result in May which left the party with just eight MPs.

The MP for Hayes and Harlington made the pledge ahead of this weekend’s Labour Party conference as he attempts to reassure voters his party are not “deficit deniers”. “Look, I was elected in May on our manifesto which committed us to maintain our nuclear deterrent”, said Benn.

While pointing to the next general elections in 2020, Professor Dunleavy said Mr Corbyn’s leadership can not be written off but at this stage it is tough to say if it is a threat to next elections.

“We will be voting with them on this, or they will be voting with us, whichever way you want to put it”, Corbyn said.


In an apparent break with a long-standing policy to adopt a bipartisan approach based on the 1998 Good Friday Peace accord, the new Labour leader said reunification was “an aspiration that I have always gone along with”. Then the only evidence of Labour MPs wishing to leave appears to be more of defectors going to the Tories.

PALabour leader Jeremy Corbyn kicked off his first party conference today