
Richard Hanna becomes first Republican congressman to pledge to vote for Clinton

I trust she can lead.


Richard Hanna, R-New York announced he would be putting his country before his party and casting his vote for Hillary Clinton.

Hanna said the former USA secretary of state, first lady and NY senator had promoted many issues to which he has been committed, including the expansion of education and women’s health care.

Dadey did not comment on Trump’s recent criticism of Muslim American parents of a U.S. Army captain killed in Iraq.

Hanna, who had previously said he could never support Trump, wrote that he made a decision to vote for Clinton after Trump attacked Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the Muslim parents of a slain American soldier. Her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump, has yet to release his fundraising total for July, but Trump announced at an event in OH on Monday that the campaign alone raised $35.8 million.

Khizr Khan gave a moving speech at the Democratic National Convention where he said Trump had “sacrificed nothing and no one”.

Keep track on how much Clinton and Trump are spending on television advertising, and where they’re spending it, via AP’s interactive ad tracker.

Hanna’s office had no response Tuesday.

Attached to the appeal were talking points lawmakers could use to try to tamp down the controversy growing since last week’s appearance by the Khans, whose son USA army Cpt Humayun Khan, who was killed by a bomb in Iraq 12 years ago.

Trump’s son, Eric Trump, told CBS News on Tuesday that his father’s comments toward the Khans have been “blown hugely out of proportion”.

By 45% to 41%, Americans say they are more rather than less likely to vote for Hillary Clinton based on what they saw or read about the Democratic convention.

Trump is promising to boost U.S. GDP to the 4% level. Hanna’s bombshell came even as President Obama himself stepped into electoral fracas- unusual for a president in the tail end of his term in office- and called on Republicans to dump Trump even at this late stage.


He has troubled many in the Republican establishment with his off-the-cuff, often insulting style, and controversial policies including the proposed ban on Muslims and his plan to build a wall along the Mexican border to keep out illegal immigrants.

WATCH: Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump, who does the Simpsons want answering that 3am phone–call?