
Rick Perry is going to war with Donald Trump’s ‘nonsense’

America doesn’t need another president who will pass the buck on border security”, he said.


As Trump climbs in Republican polls, Perry said: “We need a president who will finally act to secure the border after decades of failed leadership in Washington, D.C. And Mr. Trump has done nothing to prove that he is the president America needs”.

Trump, too far ahead of Perry to worry about him, nevertheless replied on Twitter that Perry “doesn’t understand what the word demagoguery means” and “should be forced to take an IQ test” before any debate.

Actually, Trump isn’t focused on American workers; he’s focused on undocumented “rapists”, who he says the Mexican government is somehow “sending” here as an act of aggression against the United States. Perry was referring to a gaffe he made during a Republican presidential debate in November 2011 when he could not name the third federal department he would eliminate if elected president.

Trump is everywhere, and eats up media attention.

Now one might assume that Perry was just defending his honor, rather than deciding there was something to be gained by sparring with Trump. “And the way he’s engaged the public is hurting the Republican Party at a time when we have a chance to do better”. When he was governor of Texas he could have done a lot better in terms of securing the border. “Graduated last in his class at Annapolis-dummy”, he said.

Perry also said the plan submitted by Donald Trump – also a 2016 Republican presidential candidate – who is calling for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border is impractical. Success then breeds success. They would start ignoring the early states and instead they’re going to put all of their resources, all their money, ahundred of thousands of dollars, as fast as they can into ads for Rick Perry to run on the FOX News channel, and on other national cable networks…. the Rick Perry super PACs are being rational.


He is ready to fight against Trump on the border patrol issue. “So I think it’s important for people who really want to win the nomination to be organized in Texas”. When asked if Trump was qualified to be president, Perry declined to answer, only saying that he himself is “the most qualified”.
