
Rick Perry weighs in on Metallica

Texas State Prosecuting Attorney Lisa McMinn also said last week that she will appeal an earlier court ruling that overturned a Texas law, coercion of a public official, as part of the criminal case against Perry, the Statesman’s Chuck Lindell reported. The governorship of the state of Texas was limited to a certain amount of money, and I wanted to go get the best and the brightest, and you need to pay the best and the brightest, and I think that’s the way – that’s the way you do it. Makes sense.


Well, women get equal pay.

“Whether it’s the job creation record or whether it’s wearing the uniform of the country or whether it’s knowing how to secure the border of this country with Mexico, that’s what people really care about”.

Left unsaid amidst all of this was the fact that Perry has actually had to stop paying his campaign staffers due to a sharp decrease in donations.

Perry grabbed poll-christie-10th-88282/”>just 2 percent support in a CNN/ORC worldwide poll released Tuesday, trailing 11 other GOP hopefuls.

“These are very fluid races, and it’s a long time until the primaries”, Perry insisted Tuesday morning on CNN.

Rick Perry commented on his lackluster standing in recent polls on Tuesday, saying the latest surveys on Republican candidates represent just “a snapshot in time” and vowing to dig in his heels in early states like Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

“We can keep a pretty small footprint from the standpoint of dollars going out”, he added.

Rick Perry’s presidential campaign hasn’t been going too well, and now he’s up against Metallica fans who are questioning his knowledge of the band. “This is a piece of legislation that basically duplicates what’s at the federal level”.


But, he said, while he was governor there were more than a million women with jobs in his state, and “women have the opportunity to excel”. “And it will be that way as the president of the United States”. “I can only talk to you about myself. I’ve been fighting Washington for the last 14 years”.

Presidential campaign platform update: Rick Perry's stance on Metallica