
Rick Santorum rips Ted Cruz, Scott Walker as soft on immigration

Victory Research, a political consulting firm, surveyed 801 “likely Republican primary voters” in Illinois from August. 16-18, and many of them chose Trump as their candidate.


Trump announced in his immigration policy proposal released Sunday (August 16) that he wants to end birthright citizenship – preventing future undocumented immigrants from giving birth to an American citizen simply by virtue of being born on U.S. soil.

Conservatives have suggested that they could put a stop to birthright citizenship by passing a law defining the last part of the 14th Amendment, which is called the citizenship clause. “I think her bigger problem is going to be the criminal (problem)”, Trump said. If you choose the former, the child is certainly free to return, but can not help you or anyone else to come to the U.S.

“Even on immigration, where it’s – you know, look, it’s, the language is pretty vitriolic for sure”. This case was first highlighted by Donald Trump. Rubio said, “I’m open to doing things that prevent people from coming to the take advantage of the 14th Amendment, but I’m not in favor of repealing it”. Now, I want to advance the dialogue here. If you’re born here, you’re an American – period!

O’Reilly then asked Trump if he envisions “federal police kicking in the doors in barrios around the country dragging families out and putting them on a bus” as a means to deport everyone he intends to deport.

Donald Trump supporters took a line from his reality TV days to deliver a message to the U.S. president: “Obama you are fired”.

Trump responds, “I don’t think they have American citizenship”.

We can’t have a situation where our labor is so much more expensive than other countries’ that we can no longer win“. “I think he appeals to us Southerners because he tells it like it is and he has strong opinions”.

For the record, the text of the amendment would seem to favor O’Reilly’s interpretation in the dispute.

“Whether it was the path to citizenship in the Gang of Eight bill or the right to a permanent work permit supported by Ted Cruz and others, it is amnesty”, Santorum said.

The reason Trump will destroy the Republican Party’s chances of winning in 2016 is because he is revealing who the GOP really is.


In a speech on Thursday in Washington, the former Republican senator unveiled his plan to limit the number of illegal and legal immigrants allowed into the country. His heated rhetoric on the issue – especially his accusation that the Mexican government is intentionally sending rapists into the US – touched off a national firestorm after he launched his campaign.

Republican Presidential Debate