
Rick Scott: Nothing nefarious in Trump’s Obama comments

This is an attack on our people.


How could this possibly be, even for a president as inattentive and uncommunicative and insular as Obama?

Other politicians started responding when it was first believed that there were 20 fatalities, but officials have now reported that at least 50 people were killed and 53 others were treated for injuries.

Scott indicated on Fox and Friends this morning that he had received a call from Donald Trump and from former President George W. Bush since the attacks. “Nothing can justify killing of civilians”, President Ghani tweeted.

“He said he and Laura were praying for us”, Scott said, “and anything he could do, he would love to be helpful”. “My thoughts are with the victims and their families”.

“Words can not express the horror, pain and sadness that we feel about this bad loss”.

“Evil killed people. Radical Islam, ISIS, they’re the ones doing this”, Scott said.

Other Florida politicians also tried communicating with their constituents, including both Gov. Rick Scott and Sen.

“We are committed to ensuring that every resource is available to help those in need following yesterday’s horrific terror attack in Orlando”, Scott said.

On ABC News’ “This Week”, Terry DeCarlo, the executive director for GLBT Center of Central Florida, said that it remains unclear whether the club was targeted specifically because it is a gay nightclub. “My heart goes out to the victims of the worst mass shooting in history of the United States, ” he said.

The City of Orlando has released the names and ages of victims of the nightclub shooting whose next of kin have been contacted. “The police are working on that”, DeCarlo added.

In a statement from the Holy See, Pope Francis lamented the tragic loss of life.

“On behalf of the people and government of Israel I extend our deepest condolences to the American people following last night’s horrific attack on the LGBT community in Orlando”, he said in a statement issued in English.


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