
Risking anger from women, Trump attacks Clinton on gender issue

In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper that aired on Friday, Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton said that she welcomes her opponent Bernie Sanders’ progressive platform and passionate supporters as they work together to accomplish one primary objective: beating Donald Trump. “Frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she would get 5% of the vote”.


After Clinton’s response to Trump, the Clinton campaign chose to sell actual “woman cards” for $1. But Sanders supporters don’t side with their party: Just a third of Sanders voters think the country is headed in the right direction.

“We’re only making a limited number of these, so don’t miss your chance to get one”, Timmaraju added.

“‘Like my fellow young feminist women, I recognize that voting for a woman because she’s a woman is sexist, just like voting for a man because he’s a man is also sexist, ‘” said Javidi.

But according to a new poll, Trump’s campaign hopes for winning the general election really should not hinge on the votes of Sanders supporters.

“If I get elected president, I don’t want ISIS to know what I’m going to be doing”, he said.

Mr Trump then said the victor “should be based on votes, not on whether people like a certain steak from a certain place”. The Democratic Party fares a little better – mostly because those voters who prefer Hillary Clinton for the presidential nomination overwhelmingly say the party is not corrupt.

Clinton said she had no intention to respond.

We also asked the Senator about recent news that he’d begun to make major layoffs in his campaign, following the loss in four state primaries. But the whole point of those super delegates is to make sure that the Democratic Party does not have a deeply flawed or hobbled candidate going into the general election.

His frequent run-ins with the party have led some to suggest he shed his Democratic affiliation and mount an independent run.

Mrs Clinton has in her political career at times benefited from missteps by male candidates.

The Late Show turned it around on Trump, saying he’s playing the “man card”.

And if Sanders’ strong showing among young voters defines a Clinton problem for the fall, Trump is the obvious solution. About half of Sanders supporters view Clinton positively, with a quarter holding strongly unfavorable opinions of her. But more than three-quarters of his backers have a strongly unfavorable opinion of Trump.


Trump is not attacking Clinton’s policies, but her gender, something that’s a part of who she is.

Bernie Sanders