
Rivals mock Trump for debate no-show

NEW YORK (AP) – The seventh Republican presidential debate – and the first one without drawing card Donald Trump – was seen by 12.5 million viewers on Fox News Channel.


Republican presidential candidate Sen. The show went on, however, as GOP presidential hopefuls Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, John Kasich and Chris Christie took the stage.

HILLARY Clinton is holding onto a slim lead over Bernie Sanders in Iowa as Democrats prepare for Monday’s caucuses, according to a highly respected poll.

Some were also burdened with playing defense. The news heightened some Democrats’ fears that the email controversy could dog their front-runner well into this year’s campaign. “Ted Cruz is an anchor baby in Canada”, Trump said today at his event in Nashua, N.H., according to the Dallas Morning News.

“I like Marco Rubio”. But Issa said Rubio was strong in last night’s debate because he explained his evolution.

The back-and-forth was a reminder that toughest battle in the GOP race was at the top. Ted Cruz cast himself as the only true conservative who can be trusted to keep his word, especially on immigration.

“This is the lie that Ted’s campaign is built on”, Rubio said.

Cruz also enjoys a more traditional advantage: Evangelicals and other conservative Christians form a bedrock of his support – and they are among the most reliable of all GOP caucus-goers.

Addressing reporters later Friday, Rubio noted that the approach he sees as feasible is to administer a background check for individuals who have lived in the USA “for a defined period of time“.

That may not do Rubio much good in New Hampshire, which holds the second nominating contest on February 9 with its primaries and where open expressions of faith are not part of the culture.

Cruz’s opposition to a federal mandate for ethanol had already provoked Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad to urge voters to defeat the Texan at the polls. He warned Iowans not to fall for false promises.

“You’re from Iowa”, Trump told a Dubuque crowd Saturday.

“Our campaign has come a very long way in eight months”.

Trump instead hosted an event Thursday night in Iowa to raise money for veterans’ causes, raking in about $6 million, including a $1 million donation of his own, for 22 veterans organizations, the campaign said.

“We know the votes that we need, we know the names, their addresses, their emails”, Roe said.

While recent polls show him pulling ahead in the state, he remains locked in a close race with Texas Sen. Healthcare, energy policy and the military, among others, were also on tap. Selzer forsaw Barack Obama’s victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2008 caucuses, and she pegged Rick Santorum’s late surge over Mitt Romney in 2012.

Speaking to NBC News before the news broke, Clinton dismissed the potential impact of the simmering issue.

It was all a jarring reminder of how hard it can be to just be a woman in the spotlight.

Weaver added that Sanders’ success will hinge on high turnout, but while Sanders leads decisively among those who say they will be attending their first caucuses, the poll indicates he won’t be driving the record turnout that then-Sen. He released a statement Friday night saying: “There is a legal process in place which should proceed and not be politicized”.

Rubio has been polling a distant third in Iowa and nationally for some time now, but seems to be building a bit of momentum in the closing days before the Iowa caucuses.


Still, Sanders boasts an advantage over Clinton on the crucial question of which candidate caucusgoers thinks cares the most about people like themselves. “I will apologize to nobody for using every tool we can to encourage Iowa voters to come out and vote”, he said.

US GOP presidential candidates are competing with each other to keep non-whites out of the US says Welch