
River Thames flotilla planned to mark Queen’s longest reign

The temper is consistent with the sober fashion of her reign, one thing inherited from her father and grandfather King George V.


When the Queen needs to practise for the State Opening of Parliament, she can’t use the State Crown (as it is on display at the Tower of London), the Queen will then use a sack of flour on her head of equivalent weight.

The queen has “established a report of unimpeachable integrity”, stated historian David Starkey. Prince Charles and Prince Andrew separate from their wives, Princess Anne gets divorced and Windsor Castle is badly damaged in a fire.

“It’s part of the framework of what you think of when you think of Britishness”.

A commemorative coin showing the Queen through her reign has been unveiled to mark her becoming the longest reigning monarch in British history.

Oliver Cromwell, who brought Charles I to trial and execution and ruled Britain as Lord Protector, also made it onto the list despite not being a king, with some authors arguing he is considered as a monarch.

Before King Bhumibol, the modern record for longevity was held by Japanese emperor Hirohito, who died in January 1989 at the age of 87 after reigning for 62 years. “It is uncommon each to succeed younger and reside for a really very long time”, Gimson advised AFP.

Her voice remains neutral and high-pitched, even when the proposals include measures she is suspected of opposing, such as banning the traditional sport of fox-hunting.

It seems that 63 years have passed so only a number of days comes between Victoria and her great great grand daughter in counting their time as the sovereign.

Despite being crowned Queen for a while, Elizabeth didn’t truly feel like a queen until she saw the emblazoned E.R. legend on the Windsor milk bottles.

1992: The queen endures what she calls her “annus horribilis” – Latin for terrible year – a low point of her reign.

Carol Ludlam, a UK expat living in Dubai, said she is aware there are mixed feelings about the Queen but said the events of the monarchy are well noted by the public.

“Again and again, quietly and modestly, the queen has proven us all that we will confidently embrace the longer term with out compromising the issues which might be necessary”, he wrote.


By contrast, Queen Elizabeth has always been distinguished by the sense of duty that still gives her a punishing schedule of public appearances.
