
RNC ‘autopsy’ co-author gives up on the Republican Party

Trump, speaking Monday in OH, said that he felt that the Democrats had fixed their primary system so Hillary Clinton could defeat Bernie Sanders and claimed that the Republican nomination would have also been stolen from him had he not won “by such tremendous margins”. The political novice is relying heavily on the party to build the voter-turnout operation needed for the fall campaign.


Donald Trump returns to OH with some rusty rhetoric: The Republican presidential candidate returned Monday to Columbus with some thoughts on why OH – a must-win battleground state – deserves its “Rust Belt” label, which Democratic Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, or former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, it’s another thing to attack parents like the Khans, said Jeff Horwitt, a pollster for Hart Research Associates.

The departure from the Republican Party of a Bush loyalist – Bradshaw began her career working for George H.W. Bush’s 1988 campaign – is the latest sign of an influential and respected member of the GOP establishment turning against Trump.

Khizr Khan and his wife, Ghazala, have made multiple television appearances since last week’s convention, when Khan criticized Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is suggesting the USA accept Russia’s annexation of Crimea if it would lead to better relations with Moscow and stronger cooperation in fighting Islamic State militants.

“I found (Trump) profoundly offensive and narcissistic but as much as anything, a world-class panderer, anything but a leader”, he continued. But Tuesday, he took that argument a step further, saying Republican denunciations of Trump’s more bombastic statements “ring hollow” from GOP leaders who continue to support his candidacy.

“That’s where I am”, Dent said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”.

U.S. Republican Representative Charlie Dent, who has not endorsed Trump, criticized the candidate’s tone on Tuesday and called for more measured responses, telling MSNBC his “incendiary comments… are causing real problems”. She appeared with Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban in Pittsburgh over the weekend and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke on her behalf at the Democratic National Convention. Clinton, whose odds were at 71% before the RNC, had her chances trickle down to 61% by July 26 – the end of the RNC. Trump has responded by insisting he had made sacrifices and questioning why Ghazala Khan did not speak on stage, which she later said was because she was too bereaved.

McCain said: “I can not emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statements”. John McCain, whom Trump previously derided for having been taken captive in the Vietnam War.

“What does this say about your party that this is your standard bearer?” he questioned them.


Donald Trump slings some Rust Belt wisdom while dumping on fire marshals in Columbus. I have worked to elect Republicans to national and statewide offices for the last 30 years.

Republican lawmaker quits party backs Democrat Clinton