
Road rage duel caught on camera

If you’re involved in a road rage incident, Costello wants to remind you to be mindful of the decision you make next.


The video, which has over 18 million views on YouTube, shows the two men coming out swinging and can be a bit hard to watch at times because they do repeatedly hit each other with large sticks.

The man with the bat tapped on the door of the truck. The fight happened at the Slaughter Lane and I-35 intersection, according to ABC affiliate KVUE in Austin. The driver of the truck jumps out and grabs a weapon, possibly a piece of lumber, from the bed of his pickup.

But when the light turned green, they both got back in their cars and drove away before police arrived; but they are investigating the confrontation as an aggravated assault.

“Just taking that video, it appears that the second individual may have a self defense claim and certainly a defense of property claim that would prevent him from facing criminal charges”, she said.

The two power hitters were caught on video as they got out of their cars at a red light south of Austin to settle an unknown score by beating each other up.


Police and safety advocates said if you’re ever in a road rage situation, stay in your auto, avoid eye contact, call 911 and turn on your hazards so police can find you.

Texas road rage incident