
Rob Ford announces doctors have discovered new tumour on his bladder

Former Toronto mayor Rob Ford has a new tumour on his bladder, his office confirmed Wednesday. And Ford makes it clear he intends to continue his campaign to be re-elected mayor in the upcoming fall election.


September 12: Citing his health, Ford withdraws from the mayoral race just ahead of an official deadline to do so.

Ford made global headlines in 2013 by refusing to resign as mayor even after he admitted he had smoked crack while in a “drunken stupor”. Instead, the 46-year-old successfully ran as for a city council seat.

Ford, 46, was originally diagnosed with malignant liposarcoma in September 2014.

The radio station says he declined to comment on the exact nature of the “bump” but added Rob Ford will hold a news conference “in the next day or so”.

His initial treatment involved several bouts of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in an effort to shrink the tumour in his abdomen to a size which would enable his medical team to operate.

Ford and his brother Doug Ford, who remain popular figures in Conservative politics in Toronto’s suburbs, helped organize a large rally for Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper two weeks ago. The surgery was expected to last more than 10 hours and the recovery will take at least four months.


Ford will get additional treatments to deal with the tumour, though the statement didn’t specify what type.
