
Rochester ranks 52nd in USA for stress

Are you living in one of the most stressed or least stressed cities in America?


If so, you’re not alone, according to the website WalletHub, which has deemed Louisville the 12th most stressed city in the nation.

When it comes to employment, however, the report found Jersey City residents stress over their workplace, ranking No. 19 for stress caused from work. The West Coast may be a good fit, where three California cities and Honolulu rounded out four of the five least stressful places to live. She says the report shows Louisianians have high anxiety about things like money, health, ability to cope and safety.

Some Texas cities were standouts in specific sub-categories, where they emerged in the top five. For its part, Lubbock ranked 147th on the list of the most average hours slept. Only Detroit has more stress… which is enough to produce stress itself! Which is the least?

People in Detroit, have the lowest credit score, while those in Fremont, Calif., have the highest.

Several Texas cities figured in the survey, all placing below the 50th rank. Yet, it still ranked as less stressful than life in Birmingham or Mobile.


Among the nation’s largest 150 cities Rochester ranked 52nd for its stress levels and fourth for its high poverty rate.

Ranking: Louisville 12th most-stressed city