
Rocket League Is Coming To Xbox One Next Week

The game will also feature some Xbox One exclusive items.


Rocket League first hit the market past year in June, quickly becoming a popular multiplayer title on both PC and Playstation 4.

After appearing in Taiwan’s Game Software Rating Regulations bureau’s database in early December, Microsoft confirmed days later that Rocket League would indeed make its Xbox One debut in February this year.

According to the post, Psynoix worked with Panic Button to port the game to Microsoft’s console.

Rocket League is a fast paced battle vehicle game, where you compete in a football-like sport where you will be controlling cars to chase the ball and lead it to the goal.

The Xbox One version of the game will also come with previously available DLC packs – Supersonic Fury, Revenge of the Battle-Cars, and Chaos Run.

Great news for “Rocket League” fans, as the game is finally coming to Xbox One next week, as per Gamespot.

GameSpot said in its review of the game: “The joy of Rocket League rests on the countless plans that are conceived and discarded every other second in any given match”. It will also have an offline season mode and online matchmaking features.


Xbox One owners will be able to download Rocket League from Xbox Live starting 17 February for $19.99 (or its regional equivalent).

Rocket League on Xbox One out next Wednesday