
“Rockstar” Asteroid Named After Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury, who wrote and sang those words, would perhaps be pleasantly surprised to find that he has become their embodiment. May is also the co-founder of Asteroid Day, a campaign that aims to provide the public with knowledge about asteroid threat and the solutions within reach.


The International Astronomical Union certificate said Mercury was honored for “his distinctive sound and large vocal range were hallmarks of his performance style, and he is regarded as one of the greatest rock singers of all time”, said CNN.

Though died in November 1991, the leader of Queen is always necessary, thanks to the Mercury Phoenix Trust, a charity launched in his honor by his brothers in arms to fight AIDS. on the eve of the 70th anniversary, the Queen guitarist – and astrophysicist!

The asteroid in question was discovered in 1991 and was given the provisional designation “1991 FM3”.

The International Astronomical Union confirmed that one of the darkest asteroids in the Solar System would now be known as “Freddiemercury”.

It has been observed and its position and orbit measured over 1,100 times, and it was given the number 17473.

The renaming of the asteroid marks “Freddie’s outstanding influence in the world”, said May.

Mercury is the second Queen band member in whose honor an asteroid has been named.

The floating space rock is approximately two miles across.

Issuing the certificate of designation, Joel Parker of the Southwest Research Institute in the U.S. said the asteroid was a celebration for a “charismatic singer”.

“Freddie Mercury sang, “I’m a shooting star leaping through the sky” – and now that is even more true than ever before”, Parker was quoted as saying by the “BBC News”.


Earlier this week May unveiled an English Heritage blue plaque at the childhood home of his former bandmate.

The rockstar Freddie Mercury lead singer of the rock group Queen during a concert in Paris France in September 1984