
‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’: 7 Burning Questions

Lucasfilm released a new, full-length trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story on Thursday night, slotting it into coverage of Michael Phelps’ quest to nab his record-setting 22nd gold medal at the Summer Olympics in Rio.


The story in “Rogue One” takes place before director George Lucas’s original “Star Wars” films, which started with 1977’s “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope”.

“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” hits USA theaters on December 17 this year.

The two-minute promo begins with new character Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker) telling Jyn Erso (Jones) that “the world is coming undone”. Plus, it looks like Darth Vader will be making an appearance, how much of an appearance though is anyone’s guess.

Luke Skywalker and Co. would not be able to destroy the planet-sized spaceship if it were not for the rebels in Rogue One. He’s probably on the completed Death Star in that fleeting glimpse! Why she’s being held captive isn’t made clear, though the distrust is undoubtedly because of her family history-Jyn Erso is the estranged daughter of Galen Erso, a scientist and engineer who helped build the Death Star (perhaps against his will).

The story of how the Rebels got the plans for the Death Star is going to be told on the big screen for the first time as Disney takes another chance to wipe away the expanded universe continuity.

While Vader’s voice isn’t heard (yet) we do hear his distinctive breathing, albeit for just a fleeting moment as the trailer concludes. Given the prevalence of them in every other element of the Star Wars franchise, that’s just weird.

Rogue One, which hits theaters December 16.

Last month the cast and crew shared new character details and never-before-seen images at a three-day Star Wars Celebration in London.


Also, there’s a peek at the back of Darth Vader’s head, which means that both the nostalgic villain and the nostalgic back of his head will presumably be very present in the film.

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