
Rogue One is coming to Star Wars Battlefront

While the actor didn’t reveal details about his character, there have been rumors in the past that he has direct ties to the Empire, and may have helped in building the Death Star. A brand new teaser trailer for the DLC was also released.


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is the first of three planned standalone stories in the Star Wars universe.

Disney and Lucasfilm are now wise enough to bring the blue-skinned, red-eyed Imperial leader back into official storytelling in the animated show, as well as into a new novel by Zahn called Thrawn.

Playing the lead in the new Star Wars spin-off just got real for Felicity Jones as she was honoured with the first action figure from the movie’s merchandise department. ABC aired an hour-long Star Wars special which was supposed to tease new behind-the-scenes footage, except that footage was already released earlier in the day and had been previously shown at a Celebration event in London.

Then in September, Season Pass holders will receive our third digital expansion pack, Star Wars Battlefront Death Star.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram. The biggest, as it turns out, is that there will in fact be DLC tying into the upcoming film “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”. More new maps – on ground and in space – new weapons and Star Cards and two new heroes including one larger-than-life character we know you’ve been patiently waiting for.


The director also took sound designer Matt Wood from Skywalker Sound into the studio – and said that they shared a fan moment when they heard Jones’s booming voice say the word “power”. However, as indicated by Rogue One’s sizzle reel, it looks quite a bit different from what we’ve come to expect from that Galaxy Far, Far Away.

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