
Roland Emmerich says Independence Day 3 will be an “intergalactic journey”

Vue Entertainment have commissioned a UK-wide survey to find out more about the nation’s most ardent alien believers, and they discovered how many people believe that aliens are already among us… They have aircraft that can easily travel to Moon, and have also set up a defense base there to ward of any unfriendly ET visits.


Maybe, the studio backing the Roland Emmerich film – starring Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman and Vivica Fox – decided not to mess with the wrong country keeping Pixels in mind.

As Goldblum gets ready for the war against aliens, he feels extra-terrestrial life is not completely a myth. “Research shows us that nobody has contacted us from outside”, he said, “But one can’t completely rule out the likelihood of some form of life on another planet”. These are the same people who, for reasons I can’t fathom, talk about the first “Independence Day” like it was some kind of alien-invasion “Citizen Kane” or something. It’s not masterpiece, but provides two hours of guilt-free cheesy fun!

“Independence Day” comes early this year … but you don’t have to wait until the 4th of July, you just have to wait until this Friday.

Hemsworth, 26, said it was “amazing” to work with Goldblum. No matter what genre your film is or how many millions of dollars it took to make it, if you have a bad story and bad actors there is nothing that can save your movie. The film stars Bill Pullman, Liam Hemsworth, and Judd Hirsch among others, and the story revolves around how the world returned to normalcy after the attack by aliens. But the aliens, far more advanced this time, have attacked again. His character died in the time between the first movie and this one.

But, though the film is more visually impressive than the original, Resurgence offers nothing new in a landscape crowded with superhero blockbusters. The ship that arrives this time is exponentially bigger (the size of the Atlantic, as revealed in the trailer) so all cities on the shores of the ocean get decimated. Yet, the film doesn’t have the heart of the original.

“I’m not going out there to make friends”, he says. Here the destruction is just a series of sequences that is building up for an epic match in the climax. Emmerich said the film was expected to focus on the dynamic between Smith’s fighter pilot Captain Steven Hiller and his son, Dylan.


Talking about the plot in a movie like this is like talking about the quality of coleslaw at an all-you-can-eat barbecue buffet.

A still from ‘Independence Day Resurgence