
Role Models For Bill Clinton If He Becomes ‘First Gentleman’

It’s hoped that Hillary’s nomination will inspire people around the world to make sure all women are afforded the same rights and opportunities as men and are able to prove just how fantastic they are. “Bonds of trust and respect are fraying”. While this is an exciting time for us all, we imagine that no one is more proud of Hillary Clinton than her own husband Bill, who has stood by her and supported her through this entire campaign trail.


“If you were sitting where I’m sitting and you heard what I have heard at every dinner conversation, every lunch conversation, on every long walk, you would say this woman has never been satisfied with the status quo in anything”. This also comes on the heels of her husband, Bill Clinton, taking her supporters on a romantic trip with Hill and Bill down memory lane as the key-note speaker at last night’s DNC festivities. In hindsight, we focused too much on the live moment and not enough on the history being made. The former secretary of state also said she would fund her plans with tax increases on Wall Street, corporations and the “super rich”. “Well, he can start by making things in America again”.

The DNC kicked off on Monday with a powerful performance by Demi Lovato, as well as a speech where the singer addressed her struggles with mental illness and addiction, and advocated for reformed and improved mental health services in America.

Denise Bryant agreed that Clinton’s nomination was an excellent step forward for feminism but tells us, “I don’t feel like I would vote for Hillary”. And her saying, “Oh God we can’t put up with that man”. “No wonder people are anxious and looking for reassurance – looking for steady leadership”.

“I’m not here to repeal the Second Amendment”.

Kramer said delegates were “all in” on the gun debate issue and everything else Clinton said.

“He loses his cool at the slightest provocation”, she said.

Clinton’s speech was an effort to offer a glimpse of the human and private side of an oft-debated public figure who has been in the national public life for three decades.


“None of us can do it alone”, she said. We talked to one organization who says their phone has been ringing off the hook since the speech.

Bill Clinton