
Romney ‘feels he’s putting country over party’

Since then, Trump has become the presumptive Republican nominee and is likely to run against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in the November 8 election.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Also creating a lot of angst in the Republican Party, especially with those comments about Judge Curiel. “We need leadership and concrete plans because we are facing a brutal enemy”. “I think we’re going to raise the money”.

Romney, who has called Ryan a leader of the party, has no plans to get behind Trump, making party unity hard.

In August, Trump explained to Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly that he didn’t believe the 14th amendment’s text, which grants USA citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”, included in its protection the children of undocumented immigrants. Lindsey Graham – have it easy. “Mr. Trump’s reaction to declare war on the faith is the worst possible solution”. “This is not a rabidly anti-Trump crowd”, Scaramucci said.

“I would love to see the Republican Party come together”, Zwick said. “To use religion as a test, to say we’re going to discriminate against all Muslims, is so counterproductive it really nearly doesn’t deserve being talked about”. “When I am president, it will always be America First”.

What Ryan didn’t say, but pretty clearly seems to believe, is that he’s more afraid of losing the support of other Republicans in the House than he is of what Trump could do as president.

One week later, Ryan was in the same position, this time blasting at Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the country.

Republican senator from Maine, Susan Collins, told The New Yorker on Thursday she was so disgusted with Trump’s remarks that she would not rule out supporting Clinton.

It’s hard to talk about something you’ve never heard of or don’t know anything about – and saying just that is a tried-and-true deflection used by politicians of all stripes and at all levels of government.

“As an individual I simply can’t put my name down as someone who voted for principles that suggest racism or xenophobia, misogyny, bigotry, who’s been vulgar time and time again”, Romney told Blitzer. He also said that he won among voters and didn’t want to go against their will.

Ryan, who endorsed Trump only recently after a lengthy delay as he grappled with the implications of the celebrity businessman’s candidacy, ignored shouted questions about whether he stood by his support.


Either way, the anxiety over Trump was readily apparent, attendees reported. And the fundraising agreement with the Republican National Committee continues to wobble. Monday’s Trump address was not “the type of speech that one would give that wants to lead this country through hard times”. I mean, Donald Trump is none of those things.

Former Republican U.S. presidential nominee Mitt Romney introduces current Republican presidential candidate John Kasich at a campaign rally in North Canton Ohio