
Romney on TODAY: ‘I knew I couldn’t stand silent anymore’

In this regard, Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate for the 2012 elections, on Thursday made the clearest and the most unambiguous condemnation of Mr. Trump from anyone in the GOP.


The Fox News moderators continuously asked Donald Trump and Sens. I think that’s important.

Trump has won ten states and continues to dominate the conversation and the delegate count. But the time came when Donald Trump’s outrage had reached such a level that I simply had to speak out.

Trump claimed Romney had plans to run for Republican presidential nomination. Will the unconventional candidate suddenly turn conventional?

“I’m not running for president and I won’t run for president”, Romney said.

“Here’s what I know, Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud, his promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University”, Mr Romney said. He beat Trump in a closed GOP caucus, where only registered Republicans could vote.

Sen. John McCain, also a former Republican nominee, endorsed Romney’s attack.

“Well, it’s … personal characteristics – character, if you will”, Romney said while also disputing a comment from Cavuto that “lots of presidents aren’t saints”.

Speaking to NBC on Friday, Romney said he will “do everything within the normal political bounds to make sure we don’t nominate Donald Trump”.

Pressed on whether he was “actively looking” at the prospect of a contested convention, Romney called it “a realistic scenario. I don’t think he has the temperament to be president and so I want to see one of the other three [Republican candidates] become the nominee”.

Speaking from Idaho, where he’s campaigning ahead of the state’s primary on Tuesday, Cruz told the crowd, “God bless Kansas, and God bless ME”, another state where early returns put him ahead of Trump.

She said she liked the businessman because “he’s not bought and paid for”. After the February 23 debate, in which Rubio said Trump would be “selling watches” if his dad hadn’t fronted him money to build his empire, the Rubio campaign did the same thing: allowing donors to “pay” 10 bucks for a broken watch.


Kasich is focusing for now on defeating Trump in his home state of OH, where he trails Trump by 5 percentage points in the polls.

Politics       Marco Rubio ‘Reagan Looked And Acted Nothing Like Donald Trump’                by Natasha Geiling