
Rosh Hashanah at the Mat-Su Jewish Center

Services will include the blowing of the shofar, a traditional ram’s horn, whose significance stems from Abraham’s willingness to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice to God.


The young girls said there is more to the holiday than just food.

“And you’re doing your forgiveness and you’re getting your days to say you’re sorry to people”, Samantha Seeherman, 12, said. Not that the holy days are the same but that these are mega events. For Passover, it’s the seder plate.

Rosh Hashanah occurs 162 days after the first day of Pesach (Passover).

Bluming addressed two preschool classes, asking them, “Why do we need a shofar?”

Most people are at least aware enough of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, that they wouldn’t be completely baffled by a “Happy New Year!” in the middle of September.

The holiday comes as a time for Jews to gather and reflect on the past year while also focusing on the new one that is beginning.

“It’s a real time of brotherhood and sisterhood and peoplehood. To do so however, we must work internally to strengthen the bonds between us, between the different communities that make up the Israeli people, and between our brothers and sisters, friends and supporters of Israel around the world”.

Our second wish is for a deeper connection with Israel and our extended Jewish family around the world.

For many years Mrs. Katz had her own children polish the silver the congregation used to serve desserts during Rosh Hashanah.

Irrespective of whether you subscribe to a particular faith or not, one can’t help but sometimes wonder what life will be like in a year from now? Our prayers for a good and sweet year come to a peak of sorts on Yom Kippur when the names in the Book of Life for the coming year are sealed.

Yom Kippur is spent almost entirely at the synagogue.

“Because it’s the beginning of a 10-day period of reflection and honoring, we also have a special ceremony down by the river”, Singer said. “Mine doesn’t. … It kind of sits in one of my drawers, just stays in there”. There has been much discussion on this point, of whether this is actually the first day of creation or the day God created man (the sixth day). When the children of Israel left Egypt, God gave them a new calendar that included appointed times to celebrate his goodness and mercy toward them.


“What I want to communicate to our members is it is an opportunity to start over…to leave all that behind and to learn from the past and have the strength and courage to make better choices”, Morris said. “So my approach and my thrill is to see every person do the best of their ability … accepting their challenge at their level”.

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