
Rubicon Projects stock plunges as downbeat outlook prompts multiple downgrades

(NYSE:RUBI) has price volatility of 3.43% in last 5 days trading session, as shares of firm closed at $13.67 plummeting -3.73% in last session. The shares were sold at an average price of $14.22, for a total value of $153,846.18. The firm has a SMA 50 (Simple Moving Average) of $10.35 and a SMA 200-(Simple Moving Average) of $9.42. Following the sale, the chief accounting officer now directly owns 78,808 shares of the company’s stock, valued at $1,120,649.76. Beta of the Rubicon Project, Inc.


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The Rubicon Project (NYSE:RUBI) last issued its quarterly earnings data on Tuesday, August 2nd. Earnings, adjusted for one-time gains and costs, came to 17 cents per share. Net loss, diluted loss per share, and non-GAAP EPS for the second quarter of 2016 include a tax provision of $4.9 million. The results also compare with the $0.30 in EPS and revenue of $186.16 million reported in the same period of a year ago.

The average estimate of EPS for the current financial quarter, company stands at $-0.10 while the Earning per share for the current fiscal year is fixed at $0.46 by 9 analysts.

RUBI has been the subject of a number of other reports. The consensus price target is $29.07, and the 52-week range is $15.10 to $26.46.


According to Zacks, “The Rubicon Project, a global technology company that focuses to automate the buying and selling of advertising”. Our Buy rating was predicated on our view that take rates would remain stable (which they have) and that a full-stack offering is what is needed to win in the ad tech game long-term (which is still our view). Four investment analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and eleven have assigned a buy rating to the stock. Finally, TheStreet cut The Rubicon Project from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research note on Tuesday, May 3rd. The company now has an average rating of “Hold” and an average price target of $19.86. The Company’s platform features applications for digital advertising sellers, including Websites, mobile applications and other digital media properties, to sell their advertising inventory; applications and services for buyers, including advertisers, agencies, agency trading desks (ATDs), demand side platforms (DSPs) and advertisement networks, to buy advertising inventory, and a marketplace over which such transactions are executed.

Earnings Reaction History: The Rubicon Project, Inc., 71.4% Follow-Through Indicator, 13.6% Sensitive