
Rubio adviser: Best chance to stop Trump in Ohio is Kasich

Maybe Trump is right, maybe he would have to shoot somebody in the face on Fifth Avenue before he’d lose Rubio, let alone any supporters. Florida is the home state of Rubio, who has been campaigning here for the past few days.


Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, the other candidate in the four-man Republican race, embraced the shift toward civility during his lone Florida appearance before heading to IL.

“All of a sudden a planned attack just came out of nowhere”, Trump said in Dayton, describing the events in Chicago.

Speaking at a Florida synagogue, Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio promised that if he were elected president, “Israel will not have a better friend than me”.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump signs autographs for supporters at the conclusion of a Trump rally at Millington Regional Jetport on February 27, 2016 in Millington, Tennessee.

Donald Trump has created “a toxic environment” that’s allowed for violence at his rallies, Ohio Governor John Kasich said on Saturday, hours after the Republican front-runner canceled a campaign appearance in Chicago after large protests.

Even under that scenario, the delegate math would make it hard for Cruz to overtake Trump before the party’s July convention.

“After John Kasich helped Wall Street predator Lehman Brothers destroy the world economy, he chose to run for governor of OH”, the narrator of the Trump ad says.

“I think we also have to look at the rhetoric coming from the front-runner in the presidential campaign”, Rubio said. Trump, meanwhile, could put the Republican nomination out of reach to others in Tuesday’s slate of five delegate-rich primaries.

“What is he? He’s a choke artist who never goes to vote”, Trump said at a rally in Cleveland, referencing Rubio’s attendance rate in the Senate. Marco Rubio in the state.

“If they refuse to do that, they don’t deserve our support”, he said.

The scenes in Chicago follow a series of recent incidents of violence at Trump rallies, in which protesters and journalists have been punched, tackled and hustled out of venues, raising concerns about degrading security leading into the November 8 election.

Trump appeared eager to paint himself as the victim of the extraordinary events. That makes them free agents, free to support the candidate of their choice. “Hey, Bernie, get your people in line, Bernie!”

“No one is going to have the numbers”, he said on ABC earlier this week.


“We welcome the support of the Rubio campaign”, Duffy told CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump shakes hands with supporters following a campaign event in Radford Virginia