
Rubio fights rain at Iowa State Fair soapbox

He later said he favored setting term limits for elected officials and federal judges – including the U.S. Supreme Court – with future presidents serving one six-year term and members of Congress also limited in years of service to prevent them from constantly focusing on their next election rather than solving the nation’s problems.


Fiorina, in an interview with the Globe, said that layoffs were needed to keep the company competitive and reduce redundancies after a merger with Compaq.

Appearing Tuesday on The Mike Gallagher Show, Coulter admitted that she has “turned against” Fiorina “as of yesterday”, and now feels the “hot, hot hate of a thousand suns” for the sole female GOP candidate.

Blankley argued that any historical advances made by Muslims should be measured against present-day Islamic nations, which she claims “are the world’s poorest, most illiterate, and contribute the least to scientific and technological advancement, let alone have computers or use the Internet”.

He didn’t take questions from the crowd as some other soapbox speakers have.

Pataki, who was governor from 1995 to 2007, is among the lesser-known candidates in the large Republican field. He said, “the truth is things are better in Wisconsin“.

“Unless Vladimir Putin faces a U.S. president who will push back, he is going to continue (amassing power)”, she said.

“I would have a coalition of other countries, including us, on the ground beginning to degrade and destroy ISIS, because, as you begin to do it, that whole caliphate begins to fall apart, in my judgment”, he said on CNN’s “State of the Union”. Economists can’t even agree whether raising the wage would lead to job stagnation or not, much less the social capital affected by it.

“The fact the he’s run a state government”, Townsend said, “it gives him that perspective which she doesn’t have”. “I would begin rebuilding our missile defense program in Poland”. “And this is why I’ve said I now hate Carly Fiorina with a hot hot hate of 1,000 suns”. “Vladimir Putin would get the message”.

During a speech Friday, Trump accused Fiorina of getting “a little nasty” and warned her that she “better watch out”. Instead she spoke about her own military know-how. “And I would take care of them”, Mr. Trump said on “Meet the Press”. She said agriculture is being destroyed as the EPA controls more of the water in the United States, adding the agency is standing in the way of affordable and reliable electricity.

“I guess what I would say is that Hewlett-Packard is a publicly traded company, so the results are there for everybody to see”.

Fiorina lost by 10 percentage points to Boxer but was still encouraged with her performance as a decided underdog in a race against an incumbent in a state that leans heavily Democratic.


Although Im sure it gets applause, this line is, as Justice Antonin Scalia would say, pure applesauce.

Carly Fiorina waited at ’s Voters First Presidential Forum in New Hampshire