
Rubio Is Wrong To Attack Ted Cruz On National Security

Trump responded to Cruz on Monday night at a rally in Georgia that the Texas senator will have to eventually attack him to win, and though it will be a “sad day”, the Trump campaign “will hit back”. When asked concerning the shooter reportedly telling authorities “no more baby parts”, Cruz resisted recommendations in that current conservative condemnations of Planned Parenthood – together with discredited allegations in that the organization profited from fetal tissue donations – contributed to the Colorado shooter’s ulterior motives for killing three & staging an hours-long standoff with authorities.


Jackie Kucinich of The Daily Beast detailed reporting that suggests the session could be a little messy.

Though he has received endorsements from 11 House Republicans, with six from his home state of Texas, Cruz has yet to pull in a USA senator endorsement. “Whether or not that transpires this time around, who knows”, said Woolson. We found one African-American minister who said he is. “… Is there more than one way to win this thing?”

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), for example, sent out a tweet about his campaign merchandise.

Matt Viser of The Boston Globe walked us through the newspaper’s analysis of TV ad buys at New Hampshire’s WMUR-TV, and how Rubio is about to make a statement.

“Throw in the outright attack on our families and social institutions, and I believe it is time for all Iowans to step up and be counted”, he said, citing a similar decision by 4th District GOP Rep. Steve King to endorse Cruz.

Which brings us to Dr Ben Carson, neurosurgeon, he of the deep relationship with God and the glancing acquaintance with sociopolitical reality.

Donald Trump isn’t the only candidate whose numbers are declining.

Dan Balz of The Washington Post explained how Team Kasich’s hopes the strategy will expand its pool of supporters.

“We want somebody that’s going to stay the course”, said Lonnie Arrington, a 72-year-old owner of a Beaumont company that engineers and manufactures process equipment for the petrochemical industry. “At first it was softer than mine but I think he’s lined up on that too”.

The real question is: Can he beat frontrunner Donald Trump? “When I look at someone, would I trust them with my grandkids or my chores?” “I like him, he likes me”. Sort of, what is his end game in this race?

Rubio has portrayed himself as a young, fresh face who can lead the Republican Party and the country into the future.

The rift between the two candidates on national security has escalated in recent weeks, and represents a larger split within the Republican Party. And four or eight more years going down this road we risk losing the greatest country in the history of the world.”.

“In this exercise, women feel much closer to and more supportive of Hillary Clinton than do men”, Hart wrote in his summary of the findings “For some it is the favorable aunt whom you can enjoy, but to others she resembles the distant, intimidating aunt”.


Rubio still seems like the most likely victor of the GOP contest. Arrington and his wife made the maximum allowable donation to Cruz, a total of $10,800. One called Trump a “smart-aleck teenager who thinks they have to tell you about everything and they are always right”.

KUT News