
Rubio’s slow start in Iowa, New Hampshire puzzles GOP

On-and-off downpours are dampening Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio’s return to Iowa after about a month away from the lead-off caucus state.


Never mind the dinky, lame-duck throw.

According to Politico, Rubio made a joke of the incident himself with a reply to ESPN, saying, “The QB always gets the blame”. As expected, establishment “Republicans” are coming out against the comprehensive immigration reform plan unveiled earlier this week by GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. Rubio also coaches his son’s football team.

Rubio told reporters he not only has his senate “duties” to attend to in Washington, D.C., but he’s been spending time raising money and campaigning elsewhere.

In a video, Rubio is seen at the event, where he was playing a friendly game of catch with several children.

Rubio was returning to Iowa this week for an appearance at the state fair Tuesday and the opening of his campaign headquarters in Des Moines on Wednesday.

“Thank you for braving the rain”, Rubio told the crowd, who skipped deep-fried goodies on a stick, so that they could keep their hands free for the necessary umbrella.

Before he got to the Senate, however, Rubio had a habit of mixing business (politics) and pleasure (football).

In 2008, he and Tebow cleared out an aisle to throw passes to each other during one of Rubio’s regular work days.


“The pass, it should be said, was a fairly clean spiral from Rubio”, enthuses Politico.

Marco Rubio