
Rubio slams opponents in SC

Veteran Republican political strategist Bradley Todd seconded the claim.


The problem for Republicans after the New Hampshire primary can be summed up like this.

“He’s not running a political campaign, he’s a recurring television character in our nation’s biggest reality show”, he added.

Asked what his mistake was during the debate, Rubio said he had trouble pivoting away from “Republican-on-Republican violence” to President Barack Obama.

The opposition to Trump and Iowa Caucus victor Ted Cruz is divided, CNN said, and the GOP race remains crowded. Bush is hoping to resurrect a campaign that seemed on the verge of collapse heading into Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, in which he finished fourth – just slightly ahead of Rubio. Marco Rubio, under huge pressure to prove himself after a devastating fifth-place finish, was looking for a fight that could last for months or even spill into the first contested GOP national convention since 1976.“We very easily could be looking at May — or the convention, ” Rubio campaign manager Terry Sullivan told The Associated Press.

The Republican Party had this coming.

The freedom of superdelegates to freely support whichever candidate they choose (rather than being apportioned to candidates based on votes, like regular delegates) is directly related to the issue of electability.

Rubio had appeared to be the establishment’s pick after a strong third-place finish in last week’s Iowa caucuses, but a disastrous debate performance last weekend dented his finish in New Hampshire and may have irreparably harmed his chances to win the nomination.

“Light overcame the darkness”, Kasich said. Campaign spokeswoman Samantha Smith says Christie broke the news of his decision to staff at his campaign headquarters in Morristown, New Jersey, late Wednesday afternoon. “If he has additional ones, it will be hard, if not impossible, to recover”.

Kasich, however, said he is confident he will perform well across the South. And he also said he was confident he can compete against Trump for the nomination, but it will take time.

The New Hampshire primary has been the making or breaking of presidential candidates in the past, in a state where 44 percent of voters identify as independent, 30 percent Republican and 26 percent Democrat.

“We don’t have to win everything”, said Kasich’s senior adviser, Tom Rath. Marco Rubio and Ohio Gov. John Kasich. Klein concludes by saying there is something “scary” about Trump and the country should fear his rise. It is commendable. I may not agree, but I respect them! “But I’m OK at handling threats”.

Kasich, who surged from relative obscurity in New Hampshire, has a poorly funded campaign that will struggle to keep up momentum in SC and beyond.

“He may be. I mean he may be but I really view them all”. If the press touts one candidate for his showing in New Hampshire (besides Trump), it’s more likely to be Kasich than Bush.


And Trump, the first-time candidate who leads them all, is headed to Louisiana, which doesn’t vote until March 5, two weeks after next-up SC takes its shot at bringing order to this scrambled Republican race for president. In recent days, a super PAC boosting Bush put an additional $1.7 million into its SC ad plan. Lindsey Graham and could defy expectations there. “That’s the end of March”, he said.

3 Things We Learned from New Hampshire