
Ruby Rose pays tribute to the victims of the Orlando shooting

In the aftermath of the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States at an Orlando gay club Sunday morning, Michael Sam, the first openly gay player to be drafted into the National Football League, issued a passionate plea to the rest of the country. A fire set by an arsonist killed 32 people at the Upstairs Lounge in New Orleans in 1973; the arsonist was never caught.


Yusufiy, who met Mateen online about seven years ago, said the abuse she suffered at Mateen’s hands became so horrific that her family was forced to “rescue her”, and she described the night she left all her belongings and fled.

New York-born, Mateen lived in Fort Pierce, about 120 miles south of Orlando on Florida’s Atlantic coast, and worked for the security firm G4S. His family later moved to Florida, authorities said. Special Agent Ronald Hopper said Mateen made allusions to the Islamic State in a communication with law enforcement at some point before he was killed by police. The official was familiar with the investigation, but was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. Officials are still trying to find out the motives behind the attack.

They say he also made inflammatory comments to co-workers in 2013. In 2014, Hopper said, officials found that Mateen had ties to an American suicide bomber. The ATF says Mateen purchased at least two firearms legally within the last week or so. He took clubgoers hostage after exchanging gunfire with first responders.

The 911 call came early Sunday, as the shooting began. “Rachel B. Tiven, CEO of the LGBT-rights group Lambda Legal, said the continued vilification of LGBT people by their detractors, and the continued resistance to expansion of their civil rights, was “an invitation to violence.”When people are targeted by others who are scared of difference, they’re not safe when they go dancing, they’re not safe when they go out to pray”, she said”. I saw that he was bipolar and he would get mad out of nowhere.

The gunman was armed with a handgun, an assault rifle and an unknown number of rounds when he attacked, Orlando Police Chief John Mina told reporters.

“Everyone get out of pulse and keep running”, the club’s management wrote on Facebook as the incident unfolded.

The woman, who had previously served in the military police, said she had recognised his face when it was shown on the television news. There is a way for us to make sure lawful, responsible gun owners like yourself are able to use it for sporting, hunting, protecting yourself. “Thank you for your thoughts and love”.

Seddique Mir Mateen, the father of the alleged shooter, is a life insurance salesman who started a group in 2010 called Durand Jirga, Inc., according to Qasim Tarin, a businessman from California who was a Durand Jirga board member. “Pulse remains an active crime scene and law enforcement is working the scene as efficiently and as diligently as they possibly can while also being respectful of the remains of the deceased”.

Mateen’s father apologized for the attacks on behalf of his family, saying, “We weren’t aware of any action he is taking”.

Security company G4S said in a statement to the Palm Beach Post that he had been an employee of the company since September 10, 2007.

The Republican flag-bearer demanded that President Barack Obama stand down if he refuses to blame the attack on what Trump called “radical Islam”.

“I think it’s another hit for us as Americans and what we have to deal with in our world today, and it definitely puts things in perspective on basketball”.


In many cases, private security guards are not particularly well-trained or well-paid, and do not receive a second background check in the years after they are hired, Goldenberg said, noting most states did not regulate the industry.

This horrific tragedy has me on my knees: Ruby Rose pays tribute to the victims of the Orlando nightclub shooting