
Rudy Giuliani breaks golden rule of 9/11: Never forget

Casual observers of history will note that the 9/11 attacks happened more than seven years before Obama became president, in the first year of former President George W. Bush’s tenure in the White House, which followed eight years of a Bill Clinton presidency. Giuliani clearly meant there wasn’t an attack during the 2001-2009 period after 9/11 and not the entirety of the eight years before Obama took office. “They attacked the World Trade Center in 1993”, Giuliani said. Giuliani, who was mayor during the 9/11 terror attacks, said that the US didn’t have any domestic terror attacks until President George W. Bush’s administration ended and the Obama administration began.


Giuliani was introducing GOP presidential nominee’s running mate, Mike Pence, to the crowd in Youngstown, Ohio, when he made the weird claim, forcing everyone to do a double take.

Rudy Giuliani’s history of terrorism in the United States would not agree with Donald Trump’s version of the same.

Jake Menges, a spokesman for the former mayor, [said] that Giuliani was referring to a lack of major attacks during the remainder of Bush’s term.

In 2010, he said the USA saw “no domestic attacks under Bush”.

“When you’re giving a speech, you only have five minutes”, Giuliani said.

His claim Monday came just after he called the September 11, 2001, “the worst foreign attack since the War of 1812”. “I think about it every day”.

Twitter users were quick to hilariously “remind” Giuliani about 9/11.. “We don’t want this war”.

In 2010, on USA morning talk show Good Morning America, Giuliani claimed: “What he [Obama] should be doing is following the right things that Bush did – one of the right things he did was treat this as a war on terror”.


Giuliani is right. He didn’t forget 9/11.

No, Rudy Giuliani Did Not 'Forget 9/11'