
Rudy Giuliani calls Donald Trump ‘best choice for president’

Appearing on CNN’s “New Day” Wednesday morning, the former New York City mayor told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that he thought Trump’s decision to boycott the Fox News debate was unwise, but observed that Trump has repeatedly defied political convention all throughout the 2016 election so far without outcome.


“I support Trump”, he said.

Mr. Giuliani himself sought the Republican nomination for the presidency in 2008, but failed to gain traction.

Youtubetells the New York Times he is voting for his “friend of three decades” Donald Trump for president, but for reasons still unclear, he is not making a formal endorsement of the real estate tycoon and one-time reality TV star.

Giuliani predicted that Trump could get “70 to 80” of the state’s 95 delegates during New York’s April 19 contest, giving him “a good shot” of reaching the 1,237 number needed to clinch the GOP nomination.

Giuliani told the Times that Trump’s retweet attacking Heidi Cruz didn’t settle well with him. “He’s a better choice than Cruz and a more realistic choice than Kasich”. “Ted Cruz goes against everything our school stands for”, Destiny Domeneck, 16, told the New York Daily News. “Rudy knows me well and therefore it is an even greater honor than it would normally be”, Trump said in a statement. “New Yorkers aren´t stupid and they certainly won´t fall for Ted Cruz´s lame soliloquies and flattery after he slammed their values”, said Kasich spokeswoman Connie Wehrkamp.


Giuliani has said that he and Trump have talked often during the campaign and has been optimistic about Trump’s chances in a general election. “There was a better way to say it”.

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