
Rudy Giuliani: ‘I saved a lot more lives than Black Lives Matter’

During a Sunday appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation”, Giuliani went on to say “black lives matter“.


“We’ve been just trying to get our people together, to band together and show our community that we are still standing together for a change”, said Britny Morrison, who organized the protest through a Facebook post. His killing is really an example of the police terror, and represents the continued terrorization of black people under white supremacy and under this police occupation of our neighborhoods. “That’s anti-American and it’s racist”, Giuliani said. “I’ve said such vitriol toward LE is going to bring the insane out of people and place police officers lives in jeopardy; well, here we are”, Willard says.

Church officials said they fixed the sign.

Now, police all across the country are on edge because of the Dallas ambush.

He also pointed out that in America, white lives have always mattered while blacks have often been oppressed.

Texan congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who introduced the Law Enforcement and Integrity Act in 2015, dismissed claims that black families were to blame for the community’s strained relationship with law enforcement.

Mayor Bill de Blasio has supported Police Commissioner William Bratton on everything from hiring thousands more police officers to the use of so-called broken windows policing.

“We need that dialog so we can get understanding”, said Hardaway.

In other parts of the country, Black Lives Matter protests continue with some marchers walking on roads and stopping traffic.

He said he was disturbed by the images of the two killings – firstly of Alton Sterling, who was shot by police last Tuesday in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, after being pinned to the pavement by two officers. The African-American army veteran was reportedly angry at white people, and police stated they found a large amount of bomb-making materials at his apartment. We’re against officers getting away with murder. Numerous protests over the weekend were peaceful, but in some other rallies, protesters clashed with police. I think that I would say that I, myself and other Black Lives Matter Minneapolis folks, were working to continuously channel people’s energy into our nonviolent civil disobedience strategies, one of which is taking arrests.


He added that they want to make sure that what happened in the States doesn’t happen here. Condemning the Dallas attacks on police officers, organizers said they were grateful for the San Diego Police Department’s involvement.

A Dallas police vehicle follows behind an ambulance carrying a patient to the emergency department at Baylor University Medical Center as police and others stand near the emergency entrance early Friday