
Rudy Giuliani to support Donald Trump in NY primary

But campaigning Wednesday in New York City, Cruz claimed that his Wisconsin win would be a “turning point” that showed Republicans were coming together to stand united.


Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Thursday he is backing fellow New Yorker Donald Trump for president heading into their state’s primary April 19.

Endangered GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, who has tangled publicly with Cruz over his failed efforts to “defund” both the health care law and Planned Parenthood, sidestepped when asked if she’s coming around to the idea that Cruz will be the nominee. Cruz first used his “New York values” attack in January during a debate.

It other headlines the News crowed: “Cruz lustily jeered in bungled boro tour” and “Honey, how do we get out of the Bronx?”

“Rudy knows me well, and therefore it is an event greater honor than it normally would be”, he added.

Giuliani said that he’s a fan of Trump’s immigration and security policies.

“I support Trump. I’m gonna vote for Trump”, he said.

Trump cancelled a Friday trip to California to focus on NY.

The New York Daily News, which has lambasted Cruz over the remark for months, put him on the front page again the next morning, suggesting that the senator take the “F U Train” to get out of the Bronx.

Trump has seized upon the phrase as an attack on the firefighters and police who worked heroically during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. “If you can get to 1237 votes prior to convention, then you’ve got it locked up”.


“We love NY values”, Kasich, who is running a distant third in the delegate race, said during a campaign stop at a Bronx deli.

Trump in diner