
RUMOR: Beyond Good And Evil 2 An NX Exclusive?

It might just cause a few heads to spin.


The sources say that the game won’t be out until 2017, and that it will be officially called Beyond Good and Evil: The Prejudices of Philosophers.

A little background: The original Beyond Good and Evil is an action adventure game that released in 2003. The fact that it is a sequel to a cult-classic also helps that feeling of hope linger around as well.

Nintendo has partnered with Ubisoft to not only make Beyond Good and Evil 2 happen, but also make the game a Nintendo NX exclusive game in 2017, Destructoid has leaned.

This is according to Destructoid, who received documentation from a source known for providing reliable insider information in the past, including the Pokemon Sun and Moon information and previous Microsoft Illumiroom stories.

Not confirmed, but it claims all signs are pointing towards a “Yes”.

Nintendo is rumoured to be doing what it did with Bayonetta 2 to Beyond Good and Evil 2. Honestly, even it being a permanent NX exclusive might be up in the air, this is Ubisoft we are talking about, they actually have history of having games being Nintendo system exclusives and then at some point coming to other platforms.

It seems like Nintendo has made up their making of going this funding route (i.e. putting up the money into the development of the long-in-limbo sequel) to win the goodwill of consumers.


In the meantime, if we assume that these rumors are indeed true, this could offer a better idea of the hardware capabilities of the Nintendo NX. Oh yeah, and Jade turns up in the next Super Smash Bros.

Beyond good and evil 2