
Rumor: Harley Quinn’s Solo Movie Is Coming In 2019

Conveniently, a major threat surfaces at just the right time for the higher-ups to approve Waller’s idea. And while we care to argue over whether or not “Suicide Squad” was good or bad we should at least all acknowledge that a movie like this has been a long time coming for DC fans and they should be allowed to enjoy it.


The scene was ultimately cut from the film.

But just because scenes in the movie were cut, that doesn’t mean parts of his backstory were. So those of you looking to compare him to Heath Ledger’s Joker – don’t. The trailers set it up to have audience members believe that The Enchantress would be apart of the Suicide Squad and help stop the necessary evil. All this stuff works, and it shows why Ayer got the job directing Suicide Squad in the first place.

In a surprising turn of events, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ended up being a better film than Suicide Squad.

In case you’re not aware, Suicide Squad is about a group of DC’s deadliest villains like The Joker and Harley Quinn coming together to form a team and take down bad guys the government tells them to go after. During an interview with Empire (via ScreenCrush), writer/director David Ayer explains the origins The Joker’s “Damaged” tattoo on his forehead. And then Batman gave the Joker quite a beatdown over the death of his sidekick. (Like a “too many cooks in the kitchen” kind of thing.) Or maybe the wrong person is in charge, whether because of family connections, net worth, or something else equally superficial.

“Joker killed Robin and Batman basically smashes his teeth out and locks him up in Arkham Asylum”.

For those of you that leave the theater as soon as the credits play, I would suggest saying for a bit.

WHAT, I ask you, has this world come to?

Thinking back on the movie, we did actually see two versions of Joker.


I think DC fans have been a little jealous of how well recent Marvel movies have done and how people have really only talked about the Marvel superheroes since those movies started coming out. Jared has said that he feels like Suicide Squad is just an “introduction to The Joker”.

Download the Suicide Squad Soundtrack